Have you ever been tested by someone (like a wife) to see if you are paying attention to what is being said? I have. Yesterday Kristi and I went for a Sunday evening drive and while I daydreamed of things from deep in the realm of “Jeff’s world”, Kristi was saying things like “look at that and what do you think about this” and what-not. There is usually a lot of “what-not.” She later mentioned that at one point while she was talking to me she said “do you see that monkey on the swing?” I replied “yes”. I was caught in the act of not listening to her she said. If this had been a serious matter I would have taken it to court with a plea innocent on grounds of entrapment! Fortunately for me I am a sufferer of A.D.D., a self-diagnosed fact I might say. If that doesn’t work then I guess I will play the “safety in numbers” card that all men have poor reception when their wife is transmitting (a few bars shy of a good signal). It would be much better if women had a squelch knob like CB radios do so we could control the background noise and hear only the important stuff. That’s what a friend once told me anyway. I of course do not necessarily agree with that. I would settle for just a volume control-JUST KIDDING! This isn’t what my post was inspired by but it does somewhat provide an example of everyday breakdowns in communication in a relationship and how its health is dependent on our being intentional about listening.
This morning after my bike ride, Kristi and I were out on the deck (the dreaded backyard deck-yes). She said she was trying to get WMBI radio tuned in but the reception was bad. She explained that as she drew closer to the antenna, the reception got better and when she grabbed hold of it, it was even better yet and very clear. She went on that as she let go of the antenna it became difficult to hear the radio station and as she backed away farther, reception got progressively worse and back to the way it was before she first drew close. She said “that’s a lot like being in a relationship with Jesus.” She didn’t have to explain any more to me. Been there-done that. It amazes me that even in these modern times we are surrounded by parables and I truly believe that if a man meditates on even a blade of grass God can speak one into his heart to learn from. My eyes are welling up at the thought of just how spectacular He is right now.
You know I think some people are reluctant to get too close to God because when that happens there is expectation and accountability. Fear of those things however prevents many Christians from becoming “followers.” That fear will most certainly keep a person from becoming all that God has planned. Keeping God at a distance denies the opportunity to truly experience Him. God is speaking but He isn’t going to speak so loud that no body knows who He is talking to. Keeping your distance increases the chance that you will miss what He has in store for you because you will be overwhelmed with background noise. That background noise is all of the elements, influences and behavior that aim to keep you right where you are at so listen closely-God will meet you right where you are at-right now, and here is the best part; He will not leave you the way He found you! As the saying goes “sit down, shut up and hold on!” Listen, and allow Him to move you toward becoming the person He created you to be and complete the work He has started in you. Nobody is perfect and it’s only by his grace that we are even moveable. I find at times I’m so stubborn and set in my own ways that you would think by now I’ve learned that His way is always the better way so He lets me fall now and then to remind me Who is in charge. It may not have been His will for me to fall but I do believe it is His will to extend a hand and lift me back up every time I do. That is grace.
As for the monkey on the swing, dear wife; I in fact did see a monkey and I challenge you to prove otherwise!