Kristi and I will journal our life (adventures and misadventures) on this blog. We hope you find it entertaining-after all if you can be entertained at someone else's expense, so much the better is what I always say. And you know-there is all kinds of material available! Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Devil Made Me Do It !

One of the fringe benefits of being a Christian is that we get to blame everything bad about ourselves on the Devil. Even better, we have an army of fellow believers, some of which are quick to come to our aid at times and even validate the Enemy by acknowledging that fact while “nurturing” us through our sin. But should we blame the Enemy? Should the Enemy get the credit he desires?

Even though our sovereign God has allowed us the freedom to choose by will of our own to do right by one another and make wise choices (James 1:5), on the flip side we are allowed the same freedom to choose to wrong someone or make wrong choices. It stands to reason then why repentance is rarely a one-time-shot deal. It’s just too dang easy to blame the Enemy for our bad behavior. I think habitually blaming the Enemy is why so many Christians languish in the belly fat of their own indignation rather than flourish by the visceral strength of the Holy Spirit. Let’s face it-it’s easy to lose credibility if we become content to blame all that is bad and all that goes wrong on the Enemy while not taking responsibility for our own actions. We choose to give credit for all that is good to God because it is to His Glory we do so and it pleases Him. On the other hand, it seems we should refuse to give credit to the Enemy for the bad things we do because it validates him and he flourishes in our filth…he wallows and rolls in it like a dog that comes upon new-found stink! I choose to not give the Enemy credit for anything or he becomes my “crutch” and I, his pleasure. Interesting how non-believers think we Christians need God for our “crutch” but ironically it is Satan often serves that purpose. The crutch of God keeps us upright and healed but the crutch of Satan keeps us crippled. Think about that.

With all that said, I believe especially as believers, we could do better about accepting personal responsibility for our actions, quit blaming others including the Enemy because you know-some people just choose to be nasty, rude, disrespectful, self-centered, perverted and worse with no outside help.

Embracing the idea that all blame can be given to the Enemy tends to rob a person of initiative to seek lasting change from God and let’s face it, WE are our own worst enemy…not the Enemy.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


As you are walking along,” He told them, “you will see a man coming towards you carrying a pot of water. Follow him.” Mark 14:13

The man carrying the pot of water was just an ordinary man yet he was selected by Jesus to serve His purpose one day. The man carrying the pot of water is whom Jesus instructed His disciples to follow-that he would lead them to the place they would dine that evening. The place was to be the venue-the place of the last supper. The man is one of many in the bible that are nameless and yet Jesus used them to serve His purpose. The man carrying the pot of water didn't even know he was leading disciples that day but God did. The man was just doing what he does-his routine. Today, however insignificant you think you may be or that perhaps you think your job is so low on the ladder and mundane that you don't matter, that is not how God sees you. Today you may be called to do something for God and He may or may not make you aware of that but rest assured, you do matter to God, even if all you do today is carry a pot of water.

Monday, September 13, 2010


My dad wasn’t a religious man but he did have his religion. Hunting and fishing were equally important to him and preference was totally dependent on what time of year it was. Dad passed away in 1997 and I think for me, as with many I suppose, I have grown even closer to him in the time since. I’m ever so grateful that I had a dad that fostered in me a love for the outdoors. My pathway to that love was hunting and fishing and that eventually gave way to what is now my spiritual pathway…nature.

I’ve postponed supper to pen my thoughts this late afternoon. Roast beef with potatoes and carrots have been simmering in a Dutch oven in the fire pit for a couple of hours now and sits with heat waves emanating from it while I jot my thoughts down. It smells great…the onion and garlic dancing with the beef-you get the point.

Today is Sunday September 12, 2010 and the day began much like any other when Kristi and I are camping. When we miss church, we still have devotional time and today was no exception. What started out a 2-hour hike became a 4-hour one with diversions and back-tracking. I don’t often like to take the “well-beaten-path” when I hike. You see the “hunter” in me knows that the best way to see wildlife is to walk their pathway-not one created by man. So that’s what I did. The path (a deer-run) was so narrow that in a couple of days I should see serious poison ivy on my legs. Along my hike I came upon several deer just as expected and they were beautiful. The trail became too narrow and thick for me to go any further so I doubled-back. It’s amazing sometimes how things have a different perspective when you look at it from a different vantage point.

Ambling my way back from where I came from presented me with what I believe was the sole purpose for my walk this morning. Up ahead the trail was thickly lined with wildflowers that were approximately 5-feet high. One long-stem daisy-looking flower however had fallen and was lying across the trail; I found that odd I didn’t see it when I came through the other direction. I stopped and looked at it and the picture you see above is that flower. What I noticed is that the flowers were facing upward toward the sun; fallen and attention turned upward. How profound that even a fallen wildflower knows to surrender and seek healing from its life-giver. God always sends me home with something from my pathway and today was no exception.

I’m a firm believer that if a man desires to be in a true synchronous relationship with God; if he sets out expecting real communication with Him-he can. With heart, mind and body in the right place where you cannot be distracted you will hear His voice and I really believe He can give wisdom by way of a rock if you are open enough to hear.

In the years since dad’s death, a lot has changed about me. For one I don’t hunt much anymore but I do still fish from time to time. I wish dad could see me now. I wish he was here to see where a love for fishing and the outdoors has led me.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Isaiah 43:19-20~
19 For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
20 The wild animals in the fields will thank me,
the jackals and owls, too,
for giving them water in the desert.
Yes, I will make rivers in the dry wasteland
so my chosen people can be refreshed.