I had the opportunity to personally thank a couple of leaders that are among those that are influencing me and resourcing me. I had a moment with John Ortberg from Rockford, IL., author of the book "The ME I Want To Be"; just a humble guy that spent three days giving himself away to anyone who wanted to sit with him and talk in the Monvee tent. I'm glad I got to thank him for helping God shape me. I then had a chance opportunity when I recognized Craig Groeschel at one of the elevators at the arena and I wanted to thank Craig for www.lifechurch.tv and "giving it away"; and that I appreciate that he makes life group resources available free to anyone that cares to download it. Heck-he even gives away sermon material to any Pastors that want to download that stuff too! It's easy to see how some of these guys have attained "rock star status" yet I can tell you they are very humble and understand that they are not the source and therefore lay no claim to that which makes their fame. The downside perhaps of my encounter with Groeschel (for him anyway) is this: I was with my friend Bob Lockwood who is the creative arts point leader at Jacobs Well and he had a camera on him and was not shy about asking Craig if he would mind having his picture taken with "yours truly". Craig was more than happy to. That kind of had the effect of ringing the dinner bell though and it wasn't but a few seconds later that Craig was very much like a single worm tossed into a school of hungry fish! Sorry about that!
So...what is my biggest takeaway from Catalyst2010? "To give it away." To be humble enough to get under those who are smarter than me and can teach me. The more I do that, the more prepared I will be as a mentor for someone that seeks someone to get under... to give it away (be over) and continually "stay under."

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